Sunday, May 01, 2005

Sunday's Adventures

Today was an extremely productive day for me. I guess it made up for the laziness of yesterday. I got up early on a Sunday. Can you believe it? I cleaned the litterbox, cleaned up a little bit, and got ready. Fran came over for a nice spaghetti lunch so I had to make ALL of that and do TONS of dishes. It seemed like we had to have a different plate or cup or utensil for everything. It was nice to entertain though and not have some random waitstaff trying to clean up our table. We ran into our neighbor and walked over to see their new house. Some of it was in rough shape but they have done a lot of work and those parts look great. They have a nice porch upstairs and can see the whole neighborhood, including a flabby-gutted shirtless guy who likes to play with his kids in the yard across the street. After eating some interesting foreign candy and helping them push their truck to the gas station/babysitting, we were back home again. I will really miss not seeing them as much! I went to Walmart tonight to pick up some things. I tried on 6 pairs of shorts. Spring is here and shorts weather is near! Some of them had pretty, bright-colored belts on them but the ones that fit the best had a gaudy, nasty, fake, toe-punk colored belt on it with the fugliest rectangular buckle with fake plastic rhinestones and metal embellishments that I have EVER seen. It made me embarrassed to buy them, also, they were in a size too large to mention. Oh well...That is why I am going to make my own beautiful belt very, very soon! But the very first thing that I have to do is make Mother's Day cards, right away.


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